Well - the long weekend is over - BOOO!
We had quite the eventful one, however. Starting with Dain's decision that the amount of money we needed to drop into his PT Cruiser immediately might not be worth it. Dain is famous for always wanting to trade-in vehicles - however this time he was thinking NEW vehicle which made a lot of sense for us, and as long as he was going to drive it until it was paid off (hopefully), then I was on board. Especially since we agreed only to find something for the same payment we're used to now.
SO - we started to look just a little on Friday night - but were not quite satisfied with what we saw. Once we put some thought into it, it seemed a Toyota was the way to go - and since I work in Automotive Advertising, I had a connection to a Toyota dealer. So, I made a call and we headed up to see them on Saturday. It was quite the interesting trip, considering we went for a Matrix, and drove home in a brand new Scion xD!

It's a great car - Dain loves it - and though we'll be paying off both of our cars until Petunia is in school - we're happy with the decision.
Then came Sunday - we loaded up the new ride with our bags and Kohl (my brother in law) and headed to Northern Indiana for Dain's aunt's wedding. It was a Sunday evening event (due to Memorial Day) in a cute hotel/spa in Chesterton, Indiana. The wedding was beautiful. It was interesting being at a reception where I couldn't have the champagne toast, but I made the most of it - and wasn't even sick that night!!
The quote of the night apparently was Dain and I. It wasn't a big "dancy" wedding since it was a crowd that wasn't the "right out of college crazies". Side note: I can't handle the smell of much right now - especially alcohol. So, the end of the reception arrives and the DJ announces the last song. Everyone that's left grabs a partner and heads to the dance floor - including Evan and Marcy who were sitting right by us. Dain says to me "(Sigh) We can't be the only ones sitting here" and I follow up with "Fine, but try not to breathe on me". YEP - don't you want to be a married person expecting a baby? We're so nice to each other.
Anywho - I realized I don't have a photo of me and the hubster on this blog yet - so here we are at the wedding! My growing bump was hidden a bit by the dress I bought for $11.50!

All in all - a great Memorial Day weekend...though I wish I had more time for sleep!