Also - many people are asking me about the monitor that's on our boy. He's been doing fine - the onesy-twosy beeps we're getting are so few and far between it's ridiculous, and most of the time it just alarms that one of his leads are loose.
For those confused as to how this thing works - it's just two sensor-pads under each of D's armpits, and they're held in place by a sweatband headband (literally). These have wires hooked to them and they run along a long cord down to the monitor which is like a portable hard drive in a purse-size case. We feed the wires through the crotch of all his clothes. The monitor doesn't weigh very much but it's a big pain to haul around, especially with the long cord. I've always been jealous of everyone with the cord-free babies that they can just pick up and leave the room without a whole process...'s a pic of him before a bath last week, showing the band around his chest (and his HUGE belly!).
I called the company that does the monitoring today - as our doctor has ordered a download of his monitor report so that he can look it over before D's two month doctor appointment on Friday. If everything looks good - this thing is history!
He's getting cuter and cuter; I didn't think that was possible!
I'll bet Gramma Denise loves that cute belly! I'll also bet she's beside herself that she can't visit because she's sick :(
Keep up the good work, Marie. You are a very good mommy!
Marie-that little guys is just absolutely beautiful! Thanks for checking out our blog. Ok if I put your link on ours? Have a wonderful Christmas with your boys:-)
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