I went through the hardest experiences of my life that day...18+ hours of labor with Pitocin, a forced C section, getting my baby taken away as soon as I delivered with barely a glimpse, not seeing him for multiple hours then meeting him in an isolette with wires everywhere, etc.
I spent the 7 days that my baby was required to stay in the hospital there with him, in my own room Howard Hughes style, only shuffling back and forth to NICU for feedings every 4 hours with barely a nap or shower in between.
I came home with a baby on an apnea monitor which was attached to him and the wall at all times. After two months we bid adieu to the monitor - and I finally felt like I had a baby like everyone else did from day one - and then I was whisked off to full time work one week later.
After all we went through in the beginning, and all the hours of breastfeeding, milestones, viruses, tubbies, songs, cuddles and cries since - we made it a year. I can't believe it.
My life is changed forever. I worry like I never thought I could, smile like I never thought I could, cry like I never thought I could, and love like I never knew was possible. I have the best baby in the world (even if he still is up multiple times a night). D is the sweetest kid in the world. He amazes me daily - with his love of books that allow him to sit and flip pages for hours, his quiet side among a crowd yet his loud songs and words with just a select few, his eyes that have defined a new color of blue, and his peaceful smile that reminds me what is truly important in my life.
Happy Birthday to my little man. I can't believe one year has gone by.
D on day one:
D on year one:
This blog made me cry...in a good way. Thank you! I needed that!
OMG, you seriously need to do something about that kid... he is going to break my computer screen he is soooooooo darned chock full o' cute!
Hope he had a great first B-Day! I know grandma Pat (K) was very bummed not to be there...
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