As you may or may not know - D still has no interest in potty training. This is fine but we know he's ready to start getting serious as he's been waking up dry from naps and overnight - and tells me when he's pooped and needs a diaper change. These are signs. I love that diapers keep him a bit of a baby in my eyes - but I would also love to save the money on diapers and have him take the next steps in growing up.
I've heard of Potty Boot Camp before. I've heard about friends/acquaintances/strangers who've used it and it gets a lot of good reviews from people. I hadn't thought about it in awhile because D was so stubborn and I'm intent on letting him do things on his own time. But I think in this case he might need a little push to get started. Then at a play date a week or so ago TWO moms said it worked like magic on their 2 year old daughters - and it sparked my interest again.
This book was written by a mom (and doctor?) who had tried multiple methods of potty training with no success - but combined several and found it to be amazing and show results the first day - and full results for some people within 2-3 days! It's sold tons of copies and I might be willing to give it a shot. I like the idea that the majority is done in a hard-working day or two, as I have to make sure I get my point across on my days I have D at home, as my babysitter doesn't have a ton of time to mess around with running him to the toilet every 45 minutes.
Anywho - here's the website so see what you think...
It would be later in the summer before I did it - so I'm deciding if it's worth a shot...
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