Sunday, August 12, 2012

Steam, Process, Feed

When D was a baby I had big dreams of making my own baby food.  But with a full time job, full time husband, full time dog, full time house, just didn't pan out.  I did what I could but for the most part he ate organic jarred baby food.  Which is great.  But I still realized I might be able to do this more cost-effectively with my own ingredients that I choose.

The baby food-maker that's a combo steamer and processor came on the market just a year or so ago.  GENIUS.  There's already SEVERAL brands - but it seems like this is the answer I wanted!  These little machines handle both processes and take up little to no room in your house.  No pans to wash, no food processors to clean for a tiny amount of food, no mashing to be done in pots/pans/bowls. 

I just wonder if anyone has used one of these...this is the guy I'm considering for baby #2...the Beaba Babycook.
Most of the reviews are positive.  There's always a few Debbie Downers of the world too.  But it seems like a great idea!

Thoughts?  Have you talked to anyone who has one?

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