Sunday, January 2, 2011


D is realllllly into "guys" right now. Mostly superheroes. The $5 Batman action figure that we got him for Christmas is the most played-with toy that he received from anyone. Yep. A whole crap-ton of new toys doing all sorts of great stuff, and the little action figure is the hit.

His superhero obsession is actually quite cute. He knows them all. Favorites are Spiderman, Batman, Hulk, The Flash, The Thing, Wolverine, Ironman, Thor and Captain America. So basically all of them. And yes, he can name them all.

He also loves watching YouTube videos on my iPod. On a hunch we decided to show him the 60's Batman TV show theme. And now that's ALL he wants to watch. ALL THE TIME. We've also delved in to some of the others - and he can't stop watching them. It doesn't help that they're only :30 seconds or so...

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