Friday, July 29, 2011

Potty Time?

The last TWO days at my babysitter's house - D has gone potty on the potty chair! WHAT?!??

Yes - she's just going with the law of dry diaper theory - and if he woke up from nap dry or she went to change him and he was dry she just popped him on the potty. 2 of 2 times were successful - and he was rewarded with M&M's, high-fives and dancing with all the kids! (No wonder he performed - shoot, I like everyone praising me and dancing around in MY honor!).

We've stuck him on his potty chair at home twice as a result - but no dice here. Oh well. I'm not going to push it, as the bed thing is new and going well. I want to stick with one grown-up thing at a time. I don't think I can handle him growing up much faster than he is. I was in tears over taking apart his crib, and over painting over the nursery walls!

Anyways - my blog is because I wanted to see people's thoughts on potties. If you have kids - please vote to your right on how you potty trained. My babysitter doesn't use a seat or a potty-chair - - she puts them on the toilet facing backwards so they have to hold on - and for boys, so there isn't a spray-factor. I guess it works well - and there's no free hands to unwind toilet paper by the roll like there is at my house! I just thought it was interesting. Another idea I never would have thought up on my own!

Wish D luck! Potty training has begun!

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