Wednesday, December 14, 2011

12 Books of Christmas - day 4

On the 4th book of Christmas...we bring in Santa!!

Santa Claus the World's Number One Toy Expert - by Marla Frazee

This book is perfect for day 4, and for all those kids who are figuring out their wish lists for Santa...or more likely for those who aren't quite sure.

We got this book from the library last year and it quickly made it onto our Amazon wish list. Marla Frazee wrote this adorable story for kids of any age, and adults who still want to believe in the magic.

The illustrations on the cover are what initially drew me to this book. Adorable drawings of Santa and toys - with a vintage feel that seems to be a hallmark of children's books that I love. The pictures of Santa are so warm and friendly, and sometimes funny. I love how this book is drawn!

The story is about Santa, obviously, and how he's the "number one toy expert". He spends his time picking out the perfect gift to match with each child's likes and talents. It shows Santa doing research - and testing all the toys to make sure they are fun to play with. The story shows Santa trying out the fun of all the toys (mostly timeless classics like hula hoops and dolls, etc). He makes sure that each gift matches each child so that Christmas morning is successful and happy for each one.
This gives the idea that Santa is busy all year round with his studies. I love that. And it says that "gives the exact right toy to the exact right kid, 99.9% of the time . . . no one is perfect. Not even Santa Claus" which I think is good - because there's bound to be those few kids out there who aren't thrilled with what they've gotten, but even the kid pictured in the story (from my recollection) realizes that the toy he got is amazing. (This is only one small page in this adorable book).

I like that the other side of this story is that Santa is a number one KID expert too - referencing that he talks to LOTS of kids all year - brave and shy. This is especially poignant to me this year as D is scared of Santa in the flesh. But that's good...because he's been changing his mind on toys. However maybe I should get this book - so he realizes that Santa is working on getting him the perfect toy...because Santa knows every kid, and what toy will be best for them. I think D will be happy with what Santa brings him this year - because he's been watching and listening very closely and boy oh boy does Santa love to do his research. ;)

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