Thursday, May 31, 2012

He Just Keeps Growing

Here's a few things that have been reminding me how big and grown up D has gotten lately:

1 - He weighs 42.1 pounds. 

2 - I solely purchase him shirts in size 5T.

3 - He has been whipping out new words (that Dain and I haven't heard him speak before) lately, and using them correctly in a sentence.  These include and are not limited to:  dork, actually, impressive, losers, creepy, etc etc etc...

4 - He's signed up for preschool.  Real preschool.  3 full days a week preschool.  Starts in a few weeks and I'm unable to believe it.

5 - He's signed up for a t-ball league.  Yep.  Look out Babe Ruth.

6 - He now prefers Top 40 music to any preschool tunes.  His current favorite is "Moves Like Jaggar".  Runners up - "Dynamite", "Party Rock", "Pokerface", "Good Feeling", and yes, "Who Let the Dogs Out".

7 - He can name every superhero, maybe ever. 

Ick - my baby is growing and growing and growing.  And there's nothing I can do about it.

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