Friday, February 12, 2010

Dear 15 Year Old D

For 15 straight months...I'm going to set an alarm to go off in your room at random times, multiple times a night. It's only fair.


Okay really, I won't. However - can you tell that my 15 month old is reverting back to his old ways of being up 2-3 times a night? (He had been down to one, at 4:30 or 5:00 in the morning which I was super happy with). I think the poor thing might be getting a molar, or having a tummy ache, or getting used to not nursing to sleep (although he IS getting a bottle instead now - and I'm going to wean him off the last nursing in the morning starting this coming week so I'll be totally done breastfeeding).
All in all - I really don't mind. I like getting more time with him any way I can get it. Until I can find a way to be home more during the week - I cherish every moment I have. and, there's something so wonderful about feeling needed.
I wonder if 15 year old D will really "need" me for anything. Besides money and a ride to wherever he wants to go.
I give myself a mantra a lot - that someday I'll miss this. He'll grow out of this, and it's such a short period of time. I already feel like it's all going so fast. It's becoming D's world and I'm just living in it...and loving every waking minute. :)

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