Friday, February 26, 2010


Well - in all the hub-bub of getting babies into the world, and busy work weeks, theater openings, etc. I neglected to say Happy Birthday Hubster on the blog.
Dain's 31st birthday was February 21st - and we had a nice family celebration together pretty much all last weekend - my parents even joined us on the big day for lunch out.

Here's a photo of my two guys on Dain's official big day:

And, if you remember LAST year's blog (look back to February 2009) - D and I made Dain a present last year - a piece of mixed media artwork. I decided this might be a fun tradition - so we made another this year. I decided to include something about that year in each piece from here on out - so you'll notice the year, and the "1" and picture - which made from parts of D's first birthday invitations. Obviously a major milestone of our year. D wasn't as easily cooperative with the handprint this year - but it turned out fine.
I am not as proud of it as I want to be - but I'm glad that we followed through on the idea...and Dain liked the part of his present which were tickets to the Mariners game for our trip to Seattle just as much I think :)

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