Sunday, February 8, 2009

Survey Says...

That NO it isn't weird that my babysitter kisses my baby. A whopping 59% of you said so. 13 out of 22 of you. Hmmm.

Yeah yeah yeah - I like that she loves him and that she kisses him. It was just a WHOA moment when I saw her do it right in front of me the first time. I suppose it's a good thing. I just don't want him to like her more than me. :(

So I took the survey down. I will put a new one up soon. I like seeing opinions/results. I like knowing that you all are reading this thing and providing feedback to the crazy lady (AKA me). So thanks for your input. I really appreciate it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let the record show that I did not vote, but I do think that's wierd.