Friday, October 30, 2009

1st B-day Par-tay!

We had D's first birthday party the day before his actual birthday - on a Saturday because, you know, the Bears play on Sunday. (Can you visualize the eye-roll that I'm doing right now?)

Our house was too too small for the event (we thought it would have sold already!) so we hosted at a room through the Geneva Park District. We chose Peck Farm Park on the far West end of Geneva. We rented the "Orientation Barn" (it's 3rd in the picture below) which actually is a corn crib for you farm kids out there.
The inside is completely redone and it was the perfect size and location for D's party.

We went with a pumpkin theme...everything was pumpkin. We had a pumpkin shaped cake (made by me!), orange plates/cups/napkins, a pumpkin Happy Birthday D banner (made by me!) and photos of the little man from each month of life mounted on pumpkin-print mats around the room. We had candy corn, green/orange streamers/balloons, pumpkin bars (made by my mom), hot apple cider and the AMAZING view of the forest preserve.

D had a good time. Spent the majority of the time playing on the floor with his cousins Amelia, Adam and Kellan. He was a bit overwhelmed by the gathering of people to sing Happy Birthday to him in his high chair - he stuck his bottom lip out and looked a bit like a deer in the headlights. However, he left the candle burning on his miniature pumpkin cake through the entire song. He ate some of his cake - but not until I cut a piece out of it for him.

He got some great gifts and we had a great time. I still can't believe he's one!

I'm hoping to post the video of the birthday song on here soon - and some more photos that my sister will send me because I didn't have much time to snap many if you're reading Theresa - let's get on that eh?

1 comment:

the Voelker's said...

cute pictures, esp of all the kiddo's! I can't believe you have a child, I can still remember you being a child!!!! Hope the lobster costume turned out as cute as can be!