Saturday, May 17, 2008

Lists and Cravings

Tomorrow I'm 3 months along - and I figured some of this stuff would start soon...

I'm experiencing my first craving. Sadly for you people who want to hear crazy-pregnant-lady stories, it's not anything weird like a pickle sundae. It's not even grass or concrete (okay my pregnancy book mentions that some women get this, and it's a sign of a serious illness which, HELLO, makes sense). NOPE. My craving is Iced Tea. Bizarre. Especially since I'm supposed to seriously limit my caffeine intake, and most iced tea is caffeinated. So, in order to help myself - I bought Crystal Light Iced Tea mix at the grocery store today, which is 99% caffeine free. I've consumed 2 quarts since noon.

The other thing I started just today - was making a list. Yeah yeah, I've heard of nesting...but I didn't think it would affect me this early. Well, here I am. I made a list of everything from cleaning out closets, to donating our unused board games, to painting what rooms we need to get painted. I have plans to do some major pitching around here. I'm a pack rat by nature - but I blame my dad, who's never thrown away much more than a gum wrapper since his youth. This habit needs to break. If you've been in my house you know there's barely room for us and the animals, let alone another HUMAN and the 40 pounds of crap that I'll accumulate with it. So it's going to be a Spring cleaning like no other!

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