Friday, August 22, 2008

BOvine Intervention

Did you know that you see a COW everyday??

This is apparently a proven fact...studies have been done. You will see a cow everyday.

Okay - you won't see an actual cow everyday, as in the living, breathing and mooing variety. However - you will see a picture in the paper, an image on a food label, a cow on TV, a logo at a store, or you may actually see a live cow!

I had trouble with this at first. I mean, sure, I grew up in a farm town where I probably DID see a real live cow everyday. My brother-in-law is an Angus cattle farmer, so my sister now lives on a farm where they look out the window to cows everyday, and touch them everyday. However - now that I'm up in Chicagoland...this isn't really the norm for me anymore - and I know isn't for most of you. I didn't really believe that this could be true...but then I found this story online of a guy who heard the same statistic and kept a blog of his "cow" encounters everyday. Totally hilarious. And he DID see a cow every day. He even took pictures of the ones he could (if they were in the paper, or on a label in the grocery store, etc).

Now - some of you Debbie Downer's will probably try to prove this wrong. It's not always obvious - you have to be don't poop on this theory right away. I am going to try to see if I can find my cow everyday. Kind of like looking for the Mickey Mouse heads in each of the rides at Disneyworld (yes that's true too).

For today - I'll make it easy.


Anonymous said...

you are a bizarre person Inigo.

The Masked Marvel said...