Thursday, August 14, 2008

In The Stars...

Yes, I believe in Astrology. I follow it. I do Tarot Cards. I used to be into Palm Reading, and need to get back on that. You may not have known these things about me...but you do now. I'm a new age girl!

I found info on Parenting Astrology Compatibility (you can do Parent & Parent, Parent & Child, or Child & Child [which is what I should have done for Dain and I!]) - - here's our results (if Boogie comes out at his supposed time!)

Parent & Parent: DAIN (Pisces) & ME (Leo)
Your greatest gifts as parents are your creativity and imagination. Your home will be rich with song, books, plays, costumes, and various projects, but don't expect it to be very neat. As a family, you have more important priorities! The Leo mom or dad could be the ringleader in all this activity. You have a childlike spirit and affectionate warmth that is very appealing to children of all ages. Your kids know from the start that they can depend on your loyalty and love.

The Pisces parent is more dreamy but equally dramatic. You're intuitive and sensitive, connecting with your children on the spirit plane as much as the physical.

One challenge you face as parents will be in making sure that the Leo parent does not demand too much attention and that the Pisces parent doesn't give all their caretaking to just one person. Find the balance.

Parent & Child: ME (Leo) & BOOGIE (Sagittarius)
Your Sagittarius child is as bright and dynamic as you are. Expect some incredible adventures in raising this kid. Friends, neighbors, and strangers alike are drawn to your little one, who seems to attract excitement almost effortlessly! And your child is always up for something new, so he'll happily follow you from one escapade to the next.

Sometimes your little Sagittarius might do or say something that hurts your feelings, but try to remember that he means well. He's just a little too bluntly honest -- and you're somewhat sensitive, though you hide it behind that warm, brave exterior of yours.

Be sure to give your little one plenty of freedom and autonomy. Exploring is his best method of learning, and he needs lots of space in which to roam. You'll love the way he keeps gravitating back to you, his steady rock and emotional center.

Parent & Child: DAIN (Pisces) & BOOGIE (Sagittarius)
Your Sagittarius child keeps you busy, that's for sure! This adventurous, playful child is always on the go. Even when she's still in diapers, it can be a challenge to keep up with her. You love your little one's innate curiosity about the world, and you have no problem letting her explore its boundaries. You're a somewhat free-form, permissive parent, and you give little Sagittarius the freedom she needs to roam.

Of course, neither of you is much for details, so the day-to-day tasks of parenting -- getting your child to school on time, serving regular meals, establishing a routine for bedtime -- can be a bit of a stretch for you. Let's hope there's someone else in your lives to provide a practical, grounding influence for you and your little Sagittarius. Otherwise, your instinct is to wander through your imagination while your child wanders the world.


Stephanie Wells said...

So the only thing that sounds off is the Dain-kid one. I don't really see Dain being a super permissive, go with the flow parent. My friend Devon from HS is going to give me a reading in a few weeks over the phone with my rising sign and moon sign or something. I'm so excited :)

Marie Boian-Meyer said...

I totally would do a reading for you on the phone at any time...however I think it's hard to do without the person present...but a lot of tarot is personal preferences and what works for the reader.
Also - I agree about the Dain-Boogie reading - not totally accurate.