Thursday, December 18, 2008

A List of Updates...

So here are several updates that I think are blog-worthy...

1. D slept for more than 30 hours, waking only to eat (but most of the time not even open his eyes) yesterday. I was honestly scared. Oddly enough, FACEBOOK made me feel better! So many people told me that their little ones slept constantly - - or just reminded me to not be stupidly complaining about a happily sleeping baby. I guess I should've shut my mouth. I was afraid he'd be up all night (meaning awake - I'm sure he'd lay in the bassinet all night with his eyes open just chillin, but I don't lay him down in there unless he's asleep because I would feel bad if he was in there and awake all alone!). However...this point leads in to #2.

2. He went for 6 hours between feedings overnight! Awesome! I got 5 straight hours of sleep - which hasn't happened since October 24th!

3. He's been to the mall with me, the grocery store, the library, CVS, and Old Navy. He's slept through all of them. (Side note - the car and the stroller put him straight to sleep - notice a pattern with this kid?)

4. We didn't make it to the daycare yet - we're going next Tuesday...I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

5. HE'S OFF THE MONITOR!!!!!!!!!! as of about 5:30 today. They came to download the info from the monitor the other day and sent the report to his pediatrician. They got the info this afternoon and said there have been no episodes and he can take it off! So, we go in for his 2 month appointment on Monday and they will give us the prescription to send to the company to come and pick up the monitor from me. He's done!

This is bittersweet almost. Yeah I'm thrilled to have him off the monitor full time, but he's been monitored full time (minus a few hours here and there) since birth. I've not had to worry about knowing if he was breathing...the monitor would have told me. I haven't had to worry about decreasing heart rates (like that episode I witnessed of his in the hospital that haunts me to this day). Now, I know he's okay - but I don't have that crutch, that back-up. Granted, I'm going to put the monitor on him for the next few nights while we sleep, just so I can rest easy and wean myself off this thing...but what will I do when it's gone? Will I ever sleep easy?
I know, I know - millions of women sleep without monitors on their babies every night in every country everywhere. However, they didn't go through my exact experience, and hey, they're not ME. I'm a nervous, panicky person by nature. Add a defenseless baby that is the most important thing in my life to that, and it's not a good equation.
Dain, of course, is celebrating the monitor's departure. He doesn't understand my need to put this thing on him in the night for the next few nights. But, I'm going to. I need to sleep easy. I need to have that security.
I really want to get a home sleep monitor called Angel Care. They're sold by Amazon and Babies R Us and probably other places. A girl in my breastfeeding group has one, and I just found out one of my friends got one when her baby was born as well. It's like $70 - and it's a panel you put under the baby's mattress that just monitors their breathing and goes off if they stop. I think this is important. Something that will help me sleep a little easier seems like a no-brainer. After all we've been through with this little guy - it makes sense. It's something we can keep for IF we have another kid too. Plus, you put no wires on the kid, and it may help my transition to him going to the crib eventually too. Just look at how much these people love it: Angel Care by Graco reviews on Amazon
What are your opinions? I know $70 is a lot of money for us right now - but it really means a lot to my sanity. However, if Dain thinks it's unnecessary - am I crazy? He's usually the logical to my illogical...but isn't peace of mind priceless? I don't know...


Sara T said...

I seriously thought about getting one with my two kids. Gavin was early but he never had to go home with a heart monitor but if he had one for 2 months and then they said he was alright to go without. You bet I would get one of those things that goes underneath the mattress. $70.00 is worth it if it is going to put your mind at ease. I won't hestiate to do so. Just my opinoin and then you are probably use it for your other children as well.

Brianne said...

Being a nervous and panicky person myself (even without a child) I completely understand where you are coming from. I definitely think this this would be a wise investment just to put your mind at ease. You are not crazy at all for wanting one of these! $70 is a small price to pay for you being able to sleep soundly and not worrying every moment about D's breathing.

Anonymous said...

If it will give you piece of mind, it is priceless.