Saturday, May 23, 2009

Still A Sicky

It's day #5 and he's still sick.
Yes, his fevers aren't going up as high (although yesterday he went up to 104) but he didn't seem to be getting any better - so I called the doctor's office this morning and they asked me to bring him back in. One $25 copay later, and "keep doing what you're doing" was all I got from the same freaking doctor we had to see the other day. Boo.
The rest of today he hasn't felt feverish but has been a cranky, crying, whining, angry mess. This is NOT my child at all. He was even on a breast embargo - and that's not him either. I'm hoping this all fades soon.

I feel so bad for babies when they are sick (especially mine!). I'm reminded of an episode of my favorite show EVER - The Gilmore Girls. Lorelai is crying because of many things, but mostly because her dog is sick and she didn't know why and couldn't help him. All she could do was curl up in a blanket next to him. She said something to the effect of watching a lot of TV being the only positive part of being sick...and he can't even do that. That's EXACTLY how I feel for D. Here's the clip - she says it so much better than me. (I can't believe YouTube had this one!). Basically it's just hard seeing someone so helpless be sick :(

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