Sunday, May 10, 2009

What Day is Today?

Today is Mudder's Day!

Yep - I'm experiencing my first Mother's Day. You probably all know that I'm not one that gets excited about these kinds of "holidays" - but Mother's Day and Father's Day have always been the exception in my book. I like that we celebrate mom's and dad's. It's nice now that I am one too!

You may be confused about my opening line. This is a shout out to one of the corniest/cheesiest shows of all time Full House. And, ADMIT IT - you watched it! Everyone watched was TGIF for crying out loud. However, looking back, I can't believe I watched it as much as I did. Especially now knowing that John Stamos thought it was so ridiculous, and so did Bob Saget who is and was a RAUNCHY stand-up comic. It was a stretch for them...but hey it worked, and it as a great decision for them.
In one episode in the later years - Uncle Jesse teaches his twins (don't get me started here) a song to sing to Rebecca for Mother's Day. For some reason I've always sang that song ANY TIME someone says "what day is today?". Ask my office-mate. I do it all the time, and she's never even seen this part before but now she does it!
So here it is (part of it, not the best part but hey). Love it up people.

In this clip the kids couldn't wait until the next day to give their mom their present. Much like that, my husband can never wait for gifts. So as I got ready to go up for bed - Dain hands me a card and a box. He never can wait for the actual day. The card was hilarious - and the box had a gift certificate for me to get my hair cut. I had told him awhile ago that it has been since early in my pregnancy that I got a haircut. There's even enough for me to get another salon/spa service along with it. A wonderful first Mother's Day gift and something I would not have done for myself. He always amazes me. I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful husband and baby...even a baby who still wakes himself up 3 times a night.

So Happy Mother's Day to all mommies. Sing this little song to yourself, or picture John Stamos and the two annoying kids singing to deserve it.

1 comment:

Mim said...

ahhh, Marie. Full House references. Just one of the many, many, many reasons I love you so.