Friday, August 7, 2009

Eating Books

I heard my neighbor using the phrase that she was "eating books" this summer...going through them so quickly she couldn't believe it.
D takes that phrase literally. He chewed up one book today which had to hit the recycling bin by the time it was home from the babysitters.

D "eating" his book surprised me. Not because he doesn't chew on EVERYTHING (because he DOES). It surprised me because he loves books SO much. This child is never happier than right in front of his bookshelf. Check the photo: This kid can be so over-tiredly crabby he won't even sit up after his tub before bed...but the minute I sit down and put him on my lap to read a few books (which is his going to bed routine), he immediately is happy and sits contently listening and looking from left to right as the pages go on. It's adorable.

We recently bought D a hilarious new book called "Yummy Yucky". This book features pictures of the baby eating something "yummy" on the left, and "yucky" on the right facing page. My favorites are "Blueberries are yummy. Blue Crayons are yucky." Another set of gems; "Burgers are yummy. Boogers are yucky." D loves it.


H+K Stenger said...

Karmann has a similar book by the same author/artist called "Quiet Loud". At the end it lists other quiet and loud things, like ants and pillows as quiet and roosters and alarm clocks as loud. Check it out - she loves it!

Anonymous said...

Ya know, there is a serious worry over lead in children's books. Sadly, the American Library Association has decided not to worry overmuch about it. See this news article: