Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Randomness of Dain

My husband that is...not my baby.

A few posts ago you saw the completely random Mini Buffalo Ranch Chicken Sandwich commercial that Dain learned and sang/danced for several days. This is not unusual in my household. Dain randomly gets obsessed with a song of some sort, whether it be a theme song or a jingle or a television show segment, and it's all I hear.

Tonight he started singing the Chef Boyardee Dinosaurs TV commercial from our youth. He hadn't heard or seen it recently - probably hasn't since it was on TV - but none the same, I start hearing him singing the jingle loud and clear as if it was a regular on the radio. When we pulled the video up on youtube a few minutes ago to relive the past - I was laughing so hard I was in tears. Turns out he remembered it WORD FOR FREAKING WORD.

Here's another random gem he will sing on random occasions - which I found through the genius of youtube. A Sesame Street segment that was on when we were YOUNG, and he randomly remembered and will just bust out at any time or another...

And my family thinks I'm nuts for retaining random quotes and knowledge! Here's the one quality in each of us - FINALLY - that is not POLAR OPPOSITE of the other. :)

1 comment:

skyewriter said...

Just a sign his terrible mother let him watch too much tv as a child. :) If only all mothers could be so terrible, huh?