Sunday, November 23, 2008

Once Upon A Child + Bathtime

Today my parents came to visit! It was great to see them - - and I even ventured out of the house for an hour and fifteen minutes (not that I'm counting) with my mom while the boys stayed at home to watch the Bears. I had some errands to run and things I wanted to do that I couldn't have done with D. I'm not supposed to take him into real "public places" like stores until he's 6 weeks old.

On the agenda was Target (who, since the birth of D, has received an extraordinary amount of my family's money), Borders (for a "Baby's First Year" type book) and Once Upon a Child.

For those of you unfamiliar - as my mom was - Once Upon a Child is an amazing kids resale store. They are located all across the country and gives people a chance to get gently used items at GREAT prices.
I wanted to stop in to get a few clothing items for the D man, as he's currently in between sizes - not quite fitting into some of his 0-3 months stuff, but too big for Newborn & Preemie clothes. Of course, he's growing into more every day...but I just wanted to get a couple quick, cheap outfits that he can continue to grow into but can wear a little big for now. We got 4 of the cutest things ever - and that place is BUSTING at the seams with children's clothing, toys, accessories, furniture, etc. I had been a few times before D's birth (as they're right down the road from my house) to look at their crib selection - when I wasn't sure what we were getting. Yes, they have cribs! They have everything! And, you can sell your stuff to them when you're done with won't make a ton of money - but you're recycling items for other people to use if you don't donate it to charity or have more kids to pass it on to.
I encourage you to check them out if you have kids - or are buying gifts. It's great.

EDIT: Just added, bonus video of Mr. D prior to his bath this morning.


Brianne said...

Oh my goodness Marie-- He gets more adorable every time you post new pics/video!

marcy said...

he's being so noisy! i love it/him. i missed seeing you guys this weekend :(