Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Boogie at 27 Weeks

No - I don't have a new photo of me.
No - I don't have a photo of the nursery painted (we only have one of the three colors of striping done).

BUT - I do have a picture from of how Boogie is looking in there as of this week.

He is a constant ball of motion in there during the day - kicking and punching his way around. He also keeps taking up residence under my ribs on my right side. I have to push him out of there at least once a day, which is bizarre in itself. It's incredible to feel him in there. He's only going to get bigger and stronger - so even though it gets a bit exhausting now - it's only going to get worse! But, I'm excited.

1 comment:

Stephanie Wells said...

How's Dain reacting to the movement? I just remember my mom saying my dad was weirded out by it and didn't want to touch it. Let's see the room!