Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm a Big Girl

I had another doctor appointment yesterday...I have to go every 2 weeks now that I'm getting close to Boogie time!

Everything looked good according the doctor and the nurse. I had low blood pressure and Boogie had a relaxed heartbeat, so it appears he and I were having a low-key day. I got weighed in, which is always a traumatic experience, but apparently I'm still right on target with my weight gain...so that's something.

Then, the doctor measured my stomach - as they do at every appointment. He sat back down and went over everything on my chart, and said that my stomach was measuring a little big this time (DUH!) and so I get to have another ultrasound to check the size of Boogie to see if he's getting too big. Joy and rapture. I told the doctor I was almost a 10 pound baby, and he nodded and said the baby's size can be relative to the mother's size at birth (not necessarily the father, though Dain was no small fry either).

Here's what babycenter.com says about measuring "large for dates" - which is the reason I'm going in:
What does it mean if I'm "measuring large for dates"?
Measuring large for dates means your fundal height is more than 2 centimeters larger than average for your stage of pregnancy, based on your due date. Your practitioner will probably schedule an ultrasound to find out why. Among the possible explanations are:

• Your due date is off. (The ultrasound can help your practitioner figure out your correct due date.)
• You have looser abdominal muscles than most women as a result of an earlier pregnancy.
• You have uterine fibroids.
• You're carrying twins or more. (WHAT?!?!?)
• You have too much amniotic fluid.
• Your baby is positioned high above your pelvis, which might be the case with a breech baby or if you have a placenta previa.
• You have a bigger-than-normal baby because of gestational diabetes. This condition is known as macrosomia. You may need to be tested to rule it out.
Or you might simply be carrying a big, perfectly healthy baby.

So, before my next appointment (in two weeks) I go in for another ultrasound. This thrills my mother, who will be coming along to catch a glimpse of Boogs before he makes his way into the world...


Anonymous said...

I vote for uterine fibroids, just because it sounds gross.

marcy said...

i hope it's twins!!!!!